Results in 2017-2022
Hundreds of Finnish companies and municipalities that have joined voluntary energy efficiency agreements have improved their annual energy use by a total of 12.5 terawatt hours in 2017-2022. The substantial savings are equal to the annual energy use of 625,000 electrically heated single-family houses.
Savings were attained when the more than 700 companies and 134 municipalities and joint municipalities that have joined energy efficiency agreements have carried out over a total of 24,000 individual energy efficiency measures and invested more than EUR 1,170 million in energy efficiency over two years. The savings equal to 3.3% of Finland’s total energy consumption in 2021.
Average new annual savings in 2017–2022 was 2.5 TWh, while the corresponding savings during the previous agreement period was 1.8 TWh. A significant increase in annual savings arose from a couple of exceptionally large savings measures implemented in energy intensive industry.
Significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions
Efficient use of energy is one of the key means to mitigate climate change. Energy efficiency is globally recognized as the “first fuel” when aiming to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Over 24,000 energy savings measures implemented by agreement participants in 2017-2022 reduce annual CO2 emissions by 2.7 million tonnes.
Energy effiency measures and investments
The participating companies and municipalities have implemented over 24,000 saving measures and invested approximately 1,170 million euros in energy efficiency in 2017-2022. Private service sector and property and building sector have implemented nearly 2/3 of the measures.
Annual costs savings
Energy savings measures implemented in 2017-2022, reduced participant’s annual energy costs in total by 640 million euros.
Annual savings of heat, fuel and electricity by sector
From the new energy savings achieved in 2017-2022, 81% was heat and fuels, and the remaining 19% was electricity. In private service sector, nearly 70% of savings were from electricity.