Use of cookies

By using this website, you accept that we may install cookies on your computer or mobile device.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are sent to your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are stored in connection with the files used by the browser.

2. What is the purpose of using cookies?

Cookies identify your computer when you re-enter the website. They also remember the choices you have previously made on the website and that way improve the user experience of the website. For example, cookies can be used for identifying the user’s devices and for adapting any advertisements on the website and in any other services.

3. Which cookies are used?

Some cookies are essential in terms of the technical functioning and use of our website. These cookies do not collect information about the user in order to utilise it in marketing or to remember the websites chosen by the user.

Our cookies that measure performance collect information about how our website is used by the users (for example, most frequently visited pages, any error messages). These cookies do not collect identifiable information about the users as they are anonymous and used only to improve the functioning of our website.

Third-party plugin services on the website (e.g. advertisements, YouTube videos, Google statistics or Facebook plugins) may record data for the purpose of identifying the user, and unfortunately, we have no influence on this. If you want to prevent them from monitoring your online behaviour, you can turn off so-called third-party cookies in your browser settings. Instructions for this are available in your browser instruction page.

Our website may also have buttons that make it easier to share the contents with various online communications environments and social media. If you use these buttons, the service you have selected may install a cookie onto your device. These cookies are beyond our control. Further information about the use of third-party cookies is available on the website of the party in question.

4. Management and prevention of cookies

If you do not want to accept cookies, you can change your browser settings so that you will always receive notification when cookies are being installed onto your computer. Alternatively, you can block the use of cookies altogether. The use of cookies can be restricted or blocked through the browser settings (see further information in the browser instructions). If you block or disable cookies, some of the features of our website may not function properly.

Contact details:
Motiva Ltd